Myprotein: Home Workout Series


Client: Myprotein (THG)

Project: Home Workout Series

Location: Manchester



  • 5x 30 minute workouts

  • Multiple x Instagram story CTA’s

Dead Pixel did:

  • Set build & lighting

  • Direction

  • Production

Quote of the Shoot:

“I’m definitely going to need a Big Mac after this!”

Lillie | My Protein Influencer | Dead Pixel Films


In anticipation of the COVID-19 lockdown, we were approached by Myprotein (part of The Hut Group) to facilitate a LIVE home workout series.

The problem was finding a way to film each workout, using minimal crew, keeping a social distance and limiting the amount of time required on set for each influencer - all whilst delivering a consistent/on-brand look & feel.

Due to the closure of most studio facilitates, this looked liked a challenge.

Pre-production & Set build

The first step was deciding on a location for filming. Taking into account space (for both social distancing and workout practicality), access for influencers and adequate power supplies for what we had in mind.

Our options were limited by current events but we are lucky enough to have access to a number of studios and stages within the same building as our office in The Sharp Project. Utilising what we had to work with, we set up shop on one side of the very large spaces (pictured) and made it our own.

A quick trip to B&Q, a splash of paint and we had a backdrop that we could control. It was then a case of framing up the shot and building the set - keeping in mind that this would need to be replicated multiple times and should be as simple as possible (target audience is people working out at home).

We used four Astera AX1 Pixel Tubes, controlled wirelessly and programmed to match Myprotein’s brand colours (RBG colour profiles).

Claudia Mirallegro | Dead Pixel Films.jpg


We filmed each influencer/personal trainer with one complete take using two Sony FS7 cameras, mixing between two outputs.

Camera one was fixed and centred with 24-70mm lens, capturing the whole set and acting as the main reference point for the talent to address their audience.

Camera two used a 70-200mm zoom lens and followed the talent during their movements to get closer to the detail (e.g. correct positioning of hands for exercise).

Each trainer was mic’d up using a Sennheiser G3 radio mic for a strong quality of sound and clarity when addressing the audience (even when they were pretty out of breathe!).

My Protein Sponsored Ad | Dead Pixel Films.jpg
Tommy Johnson | Dead Pixel Films.jpg
My Protein Influencers | Dead Pixel Films.jpg

20 Min HIIT Workout with Lillie

Here’s a look at one of the workouts.

For the full workout series, visit the Myprotein Youtube Channel.


On set with Myprotein…


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