Wolves 24/25 Kit Launch

Client: Wolves FC x SUDU

Project: Kit Launch announcement

Location: Molineux stadium, Wolverhampton


  • 1 x 60s campaign video in 16x9, 1x1 and 9x16

  • 5 x 10s teasers

  • 70+ 4K screengrabs

Dead Pixel did:

  • Creative treatment & shot list

  • Pre-production & logistics

  • Filming (inc. FPV drone)

  • Directing

  • Editing & grade

Quote of the Shoot:

““I f*cking love it, no changes to the edit from me’"

We were tasked by new kit designer and sponsor Sudu to hit hard with a kit launch campaign for Wolves FC. They wanted to feature as many players as possible (26 to be precise) from both the women and men’s teams in a social-first campaign video.

A difficult challenge for a new brand taking over from Castore but one in which we couldn’t wait to support and get stuck in to.


The SUDU creative team had the base of an idea and our challenge was to flesh it out and work out what can & can’t be done within the timeframes and budget.

Our job was to provide the crew, the kit and post production services working in close collaboration with the club and key sponsors to make sure everyones brand messages were heard.

Ultimately we were making something the fans would get behind and be excited for.

And after multiple pre-production meetings and finalising a schedule that a Japanese train network would be proud of, we began production.


We arrived at the stadium at 12pm to start unloading and prepping. We always knew the day would be shifted over slightly so we could be pitch side when it was darker (a 12-10pm shoot day).

With player access limited to just 15mins each as they had photo & video content to capture we had to pre-rig as many setups as we could, and then bring the players through like a slick, creative conveyor belt.

Once the detail shots were captured we headed pitch side to capture group shots with pyro going off behind the players. Thanks to Phil at Entertainment effects for providing flames and smoke cannons to help ramp up the production value.


We had a rough cut pulled together within 4 days and a basic grade shared with the SUDU content team.

Quote from the CEO

“I f*cking love it, no changes from me’

There was a bit of back and forth between the key sponsors and the club to ensure fair representation, but these were very minor amends.

Once the edit was approved we dove into a full colour grade and the resizes for various social platforms.

With >39,000 likes and 1.3M plays on Instagram alone within the first few days, it’s safe to say the partnership launch was well received and thoroughly enjoyed by fans worldwide.

Behind the scenes with Dead Pixel, Wolves & Sudu

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